Video: Edo Maajka, Frenkie, Kontra & Soul u Zagrebu i Tuzli
Pogledajte kratki video uradak nastupa Ede, Frenkieja, Kontre i Soula u Zagrebu i Tuzli. (more…)
Pogledajte kratki video uradak nastupa Ede, Frenkieja, Kontre i Soula u Zagrebu i Tuzli. (more…)
Provjerite kako je bilo prošle subote u zagrebačkom klubu Super Super na Blackout Loungeu uz Phat Phillieja, Bizzu i Generala...
Ye posted a picture of the tracklist to SWISH the other day on Twitter. Check out the tracklist below and...
Ekipa iz Osijeka to radi funky! Vele da su se skupili jedan dan u studiu, odma napravili stvar skupa, kao...
MC iz Shpaolin-Malehico crew-a govori o svom dugom stažu u domaćem Hip Hopu i kako je utjecao na brojne priče...
First leak off Truth's debut album "From Ashes To Kingdom Come", featuring the late Sean Price. Album entirely recorded and...
It is not just enough to stand out with talent, a lot of times the creativity in which you present...
Chris Breezy remixed Pusha T's single MFTR taken from his latest album Darkest Before Dawn. Listen to the remix below.
Pogledajte novi uploadani Rap Skillzov rap battle između Spita i VeBa održanog u Osijeku prošle godine. (more…)
Listen to Jhené's latest song B's & H's in which she sings about bitches and hoes.
Although I haven't been able to peep every "Eastmix" joint he's dropped since starting the campaign, I can say that...
Grga izbacio novu traku pod imenom Trik. Poslušajte pjesmu na linku iznad. (more…)
Sve dodatne informacije saznajte putem Facebook eventa.
Here's the full-length version of J. Cole's recent interview with 'Creed' director Ryan Coogler. We couldn't find it anywhere else...
Pogledajte kako to izgleda kada se Kendi i Furio nađu u studiju i snimaju traku. (more…)