DJ SKYE – DJ Premier Classics Mix
In celebration of Preemo's 50th birthday SKYE shares his mix that contains classic Premier tracks. Listen to the mix below.
In celebration of Preemo's 50th birthday SKYE shares his mix that contains classic Premier tracks. Listen to the mix below.
Slaughterhouse member Joell Ortiz delivers a furious freestyle on Rap Is Outta Control. In preparation to releasing That’s Hip Hop,...
New York’s very own Ameer is back with his new mixtape “PEACE BELOVED” presented by Pete Rock with a slated...
New music video to Moments off of NORE's upcoming project Drunk Uncle dropping March 25th. (more…)
Check out Audible Doctor's latest track Incarcerated Stargazers featuring Davenport Grimes. Taken from his upcoming EP The Fall Tape.
Rezident & KolAK47 - tako zvuči sjekira u čelo. Sranje svakog repera može hladno prepolovit i poslat nazad u sobicu...
Watch G Herbo's new Antoinne Bryant-directed music video for the song Yea I Know. (more…)
Listen to PND's latest track in which Drake hops on it too. Stream Come and See Me below.
Za vrijeme gostovanja u emisiji Blackout, Suicidal je bacio kratki freestyle preko Kooladeovog beata. Poslušajte Sukyja na linku iznad. (more…)
Premijerno predstavljanje dokumentarnog filma Soul Train pred tuzlanskom publikom. 18.03.2016. (more…)
Provjerite najnoviji materijal zagrebačkog MC-ja Khana u suradnji s medulinskim producentom Bockyjem Balboom. EP pod nazivom Izlaz možete preslušati u...
Ponosno predstavljamo mladog MC-a, koji tek počinje graditi svoje ime na sceni, 17-godišnji Sick donosi svoju prvu pjesmu, na kojoj...
Reper Phan izbacio je dvostruki EP gdje se svaki sastoji od devet pjesama. U potrazi za priručnikom za život možete...
Listen to Craig G and Kool Keith's joint called Make Your Arrangements. Stream the track below.
Last night at SXSW’s Live at the BBQ, Nas premiered this track: J Dilla’s “The Sickness,” produced by Madlib, a...