Del The Funky Homosapien & Amp Live Ft. Adult Karate – “Help”
Del The Funky Homosapien (Gorillaz, Deltron 3030 etc) and Amp Live have teamed for Gate 13. The full-length collaborative album...
Del The Funky Homosapien (Gorillaz, Deltron 3030 etc) and Amp Live have teamed for Gate 13. The full-length collaborative album...
Funkmaster Flex invited Freeway to spit a dope freestyle on Hot97 - introduced by Pain In Da Ass and his...
Mladi zagrebački producent Kickass je okupio 10 repere na svoj beat, s time je htio pokazati zajedništvo, da svatko dođe...
VinRican dug out the best samples on INI's classic album "The Life I Live" in this episode of WaxOnly. (more…)
EducationTV i Zagrebački plesni centar udružuju snage kako bi vam omogućili jedinstveno druženje povodom obilježavanja međunarodnog dana plesa. Mjesto okupljanja...
U iščekivanju 15. rođendana čije je veliko slavlje zakazano za 20. travnja 2018. u Katranu, ekipa RNB Confusiona u suradnji sa Jägermeister ponosno...
Nardwuar brought some presents from Canada and met with Cardi B at Coachella for a funny interview - history lesson...
Ja-Sha iz Nove Gorice izbacio je novu stvar pod imenom "Gorica je na mapi". Beat potpisuje Neongee Beatz, a...
Jimmy Pé iz Bratislave i Koolade večeras na wheels of steel u Pločniku! Više informacija na Facebook Eventu
The undisputed reigning queen of hip-hop, Nicki Minaj, released two highly anticipated new songs today, "Barbie Tingz" and "Chun-Li". A...
Afrob drops a visual to his track "Fühlt Sich Gut An" - a smooth jam bringing back some summery 90's...
Cal Scruby took aboard the legendary Redman for his new single "Do Or Die", featuring cameos of Lamorne Morris, Michael...
Forever M.C. presents the new video for "Back On Our Shit" which features KXNG Crooked & Horseshoe Gang - a...
"I Rap Black" is a powerful collaborative statement from rappers Chuck D, Bishop Lamont, and Mykill Miers, who kick serious...
New Jersey's own B.A.R.S. Murre aka Husky Marinara drops a new visual to "Ooh La La" from the upcoming album...