Kocert Sick Touch ekipe u Domu omladine
Nakon kratke stanke Sick Touch ekipa odlučila je održati beogradski koncert za sve glave kojima je zafalilo malo benganja uz...
Nakon kratke stanke Sick Touch ekipa odlučila je održati beogradski koncert za sve glave kojima je zafalilo malo benganja uz...
Frenkie, Kontra i Indigo izbacili su laganiju verziju svog singla Bio sam tu sa zadnjeg albuma Putanja. Poslušajte kako zvuči...
HipHopDX's Cherise Johnson guides us through the evolution of Kanye West's fashion from The College Dropout to The Life Of...
Promising the fourth installment of his Body Bag series before the year's end, Ace Hood revisits his other 2016 release...
The OOOUUU remixed series continues. This time, Montana of 300 jumps on Young M.A.'s hit single OOOUUU and slays the...
U slučaju da ste propustili prošlu Blackout emisiju, u kojoj je gost bio zagrebački MC Suicidal, imate ju priliku poslušati...
Blackouthiphop.com ekipa dijeli dvije karte za veliki koncert Generala Wooa u Tvronici kulture u petak, 4. studenog. Prve dvije osobe...
On this week episode of Smokebox B-Real has lit up his spliff with legendary record producer, Scott Storch, joined along...
The video of Prophets of Rage preforming is available to watch. It is a recorded clip of them preforming ˝Guerrilla...
Desiigner released new visuals to his single Zombie Walk which features King Savage. The track is taken from Desiigner's debut...
Marvelous Mag drops another joint today featuring Asia J, Hus Kingpin, and SmooVth produced by Flying Lotus. This joint shows...
Kratki video klip kojim ekipa FMJAm-a pokušava svojim fanovima dočarati djelić atmosfere sa Open festa. Riječ je o kratkom vido...
WAIT, WHAT??!! It was just last week Q-Tip penned a letter stating that the new A Tribe Called Quest album...
Sa 100% sigurnošću mogu tvrditi da smo svi odrasli uz ili na Tram 11-u, Bolesnoj Braći, Blackout-u, El Bahattee-u i...
This is the Halloween Edition to the Queen's Speech project. Produced by Lady Leshurr & Show N Prove. Shot and...