Snowgoons ft Doppelgangaz – Steady Cloakin
The new song from Snowgoons is out. The song's name is ˝ Steady Cloakin˝ and it features rap duo called...
The new song from Snowgoons is out. The song's name is ˝ Steady Cloakin˝ and it features rap duo called...
Ponovna suradnja Krankšvestera i Sajsi MC je ostvarena. Riječ je o stvari koja nosi naziv ˝ Pidžama vinjak party˝, a...
Filmed in association with GoPro cameras, “Good Ol’ Love” is a first person view of touring through the eyes of...
As this epic year of Hot Ones draws to a close, host Sean Evans offers his "behind the hot sauce"...
For Our Jewel Runners Worldwide, Fuck it. We couldn’t help ourselves. It just feels right. After a crazy fucking year...
U srijedu 18. siječnja u zagrebačkom Vintageu nastupit će Smoke Mardeljano, Geralt iz Rivije, Tibor, 40industry te DJ Noki Nole....
A few days ago Chance the Rapper and Jeremih teamed up to release their joint project entitled Merry Christmas Lil’...
The L.O.X. sat down with Ebro on Hot 97 to talk about their latest album, Obama, why Styles P hates...
Pete Rock and Smoke DZA came through Hot 97 and sat down with the radio host Peter Rosenberg. Check the...
Zagrebački MC Ropez udružio je snage s Replikom kako bi izbacili zajedničku traku koja nosi naziv Nisam kriv. Poslušajte kako...
Check out Papoose's latest track entitled Back on My Bullshit which features vocals from Fat Joe and Jaquae. Be on...
CJ FLy drops by Real Late with Peter Rosenberg to discuss his new album and losing his grandfather. (more…)
Premijera je prošla bombastično, isprašili smo svu municiju, dimilo i bljeskalo je na sve strane i kak dani prolaze opet...
Pogledajte najavu za nadolazeći album pod nazivom Patent vukovarsko-umaškog dvojca kojeg čine Tope (MC) i Sven the Man (producent). Tope...
Veliko R dolazi iz urbane džungle sa zapada Istre, preciznije iz Pule, a ovom pjesmom najavljuje svoj prvi samostalni mixtape....