Fat Joe & Remy Ma Share “Plata O Plomo” Cover and Tracklist
Positioned in front of the White House are Fat Joe and Remy for the cover of their long awaited album,...
Positioned in front of the White House are Fat Joe and Remy for the cover of their long awaited album,...
https://www.facebook.com/sicktouchstudio/videos/1285194234889277/ U Sick Touch studiju radi se punom parom nakon posljednje objave stvari ˝Dovoljno˝ koja je nastala kao produkt suradnje...
High5-ov član Riđi Riđ izbacio je spot za svoj solo uradak pod nazivom Čvarci od marcipana. Ovom pjesmom Riđi najavljuje...
Kid Cudi and Andre Benjamin joined forces and did a track together entitled By Design. This song is featured on...
Flowdeep nas je nekidan iznenadio svojom obradom pjesme 76 na kojoj repaju MC-ji Geralt i Scriptor. Remix možete poslušati putem...
Dvojac iz Kiše metaka, VRH i Oreb, imju novi album vani! Neonka je konceptualni album smješten u Neo Miamiju, kojeg...
Kendi, Geralt iz Rivije i sveprisutni Koolade izbacili su novu traku pod nazivom Kune & dinari. Ovom pjesmom najavljuju zajednički...
If you're a true Hip Hop Fan, clammer for the goodness every year, shout to the OG Jay Ones, This...
Stvar koju smo svi preslušali nebrojeni broj puta, ponovno je poprimila novi auditivni oblik. Riječ je o remixu stvari koja...
https://twitter.com/JANTONIO/status/809149542964678656 One of the biggest Christmas Carol services in Sri Lanka made a mistake or we can call it a...
Cypress Hill freestyle from back in 1998 - never heard before! Westwood Throwback. (more…)
Every December, various music outlets publish their individual “Best Albums Of The Year” rap-ups. AllHipHop.com provided a twist on that...
DJ Eclipse: Had an empty cassette case labeled with this show and finally came across the actual tape today. Here's...
YagaTon je izbacio spot za pjesmu Vikend gangsteri čiju režiju i produkciju pjesme potpisuje Mislav Petek. Pjesmu krasi upečatljiv refren,...
Following his 2012 rework of Frank Ocean’s Chanel Orange, DJ Slim K of Chopstars delivers another “chopped not slopped” rendition,...