Mayer Hawthorne – Your Easy Lovin’ Ain’t Pleasin’ Nothin’
Video for the latest single from Mayer's excellent album A Strange Arrangement. Previous: Mayer Hawthorne live @ Garden Festival (Petrčane,...
Video for the latest single from Mayer's excellent album A Strange Arrangement. Previous: Mayer Hawthorne live @ Garden Festival (Petrčane,...
Cymarshall Law & The Beatnikz’ upcoming album, Freedom Express Line, drops August 31st via XOXO Records and distributed by Sony...
The official video for Ras Kass' This Shit Right Here from his collaboration project with DJ Rhettmatic titled A.D.I.D.A.S.
Off Fat Joe’s The Darkside Vol. 1, dropping July 27th. Recorded on the night Guru passed away. Download: Fat Joe...
Drugi singl mlade kantautorice Carle Belovari. Tekst i glazbu za pjesmu Sretan Broj potpisuje sama Carla, dok je za aranžman...
The video above is the latest segment in the DECONstructing series as Rakaa talks about the making of Crown Of...
Nakon što je napravio zabavu za pamćenje u Villa Clubu u Poreču, DJ Latin Prince na sljedećoj postaji RnB EXCLUSIVE-a...
Green Lantern: Dnt know if u saw yet but Team Invasion compiled all the shit I’ve done with/for/including Hov for...
Novi uradak iz Carski Rez radionice, ovog puta u režiji Ill G-a, Kruksa, Šošima i Blokovskog. Beat: Hezekiah - Looking...
Poslušajte prvi singl, pjesmu ''O pčelama i cvijeću'', mladog zaprešićkog repera Nisde-a nastalog u suradnji s Dragim iz grupe Connect....
Leftover from Statik and Term's collabo album. Download: 1982 (Statik Selektah & Termanology) - The Lottery Via Showoff Music. Previous:...
First single from Cudi's sophomore LP, Man On The Moon II: The Legend of Mr. Rager, due September 14th. Produced...
Short segment on the contradictions that contributed to the separation of the original members of Public Enemy. Professor Griff attempts...
Večeras je na MTV-u premijerno emitiran spot za Edinu pjesme Ove Godine s novog albuma Spomen Ploča. Možete ga pogledati...
With his new digital-only album Cocoon set to be released tomorrow, hip-hop production icon Ayatollah presents a brand new video...