DJ Battle: Bizzo vs. Ludvig
Nakon što je Venom odnio pobjedu protiv Bronsona, ovog petka sučelili su se Ludvig i Bizzo. Oba seta možete poslušati...
Nakon što je Venom odnio pobjedu protiv Bronsona, ovog petka sučelili su se Ludvig i Bizzo. Oba seta možete poslušati...
Video footage of M.O.P.'s last month show in Batofar, Paris. Hit continue reading for more videos. M.O.P. Balkan Tour starts...
Ravno iz Kooladeovog studija stiže radijska reklama za veliki koncert grupe M.O.P. koji će se idućeg četvrtka, 10.3., održati u...
Before the blog boom, the magazine was the principle information source for hip-hop heads. In those days the publication world...
Drago nam je da je naše kopanje starih snimki iz devedesetih potaklo i druge na isto. Shakal je pronašao snimku...
First single off Bronson’s new project called Dr. Lecter, out March 15th. Produced by Tommy Mas. Download: Action Bronson -...
REKS' third LP, R.E.K.S (Rhythmatic Eternal King Supreme), is scheduled to be released on March 8th, 2011 on Showoff/Brick Records....
On the 26th of March DJ Phat Phillie will be playing a set in club Tap Tab in Schaffhausen, Switzerland....
Još jedan prilog iz Svlačionice, ovog puta Bizzo i Dooks objašnjavaju filozofiju Hip Hopa i Bolesne Braće. Idućeg tjedna donosimo...
In this part of the interview, M.O.P. speak on their most memorable studio moment from the Warriorz album which included...
Dijelimo 10 DVD-a s dokumentarnim filmom Hip Hop Priča Iz Hrvatske režisera Igora Kolovrata. Sve što morate jest biti brzi...
Prošlog tjedna smo imali prve segmente iz Knjazove legendarne Svlačionice, a danas nastavljamo u istom stilu. Ovog puta u glavnim...
Producer Easy Mo Bee talks about working with Bad Boy early in the careers of Notorious B.I.G. and Craig Mack,...
This track was supposed to be on Lifestylez Ov Da Poor & Dangerous, but it was banned due to being...
Cormega’s Ayatollah produced cut off his Born & Raised album comes to life courtesy of Queensbridge DJ/producer/videographer Q-Butta comprised of...