Frenkie – Gori
Pjesma "Gori" opisuje trenutno stanje društva, a odražava masovno nezadovoljstvo prisutno u cijelom svijetu. Frenkie ne drži jezik za zubima...
Podcast: General Woo na Radiju 808
Woo je u četvrtak gostovao u specijalnoj emisiji na Radiju 808 gdje je u jednosatnom razgovoru s Phat Philliem analizirao...
J-Live @ Gala Hala (AKC Metelkova, Ljubljana)
U sklopu programa Rapetek, 17.12. u ljubljanskom klubu Gala Hala nastupiti će J-Live. Podršku za gramofonima će mu davati DJ-i...
Free EP: Raekwon – Dope On The Table
Beatsmith and A&R Andrew Kelley has come together with The DJBooth to bring listeners Dope on the Table, an exclusive...
Digable Planets preparing a reunion tour
Jazzy hip-hop group Digable Planets have officially reunited and are preparing for a new tour and album. Sources confirmed to...
Video: Erick Sermon Making a Beat with Yamaha Motif ES8
The Funk Lord Eric Sermon heads to DJ Desue’s studio in Berlin and makes a beat from scratch using a...
Shabaam Sahdeeq Feat. Rock (Heltah Skeltah) – Stuck Off The Realness
Stuck Off The Realness is the first single from Shabaam Sahdeeq's upcoming album Relentless Part 2, dropping in January. Produced...
DJ Just Dizle – 90’s R&B Classics #8 (Mixtape)
Hit continue reading to check the tracklist. (more…)
Mark B & Dialect – Theory77 Turntable DeathMix (Cold Crush Brothers Tribute)
Remixed by Theory 77. Turntable athletics by Theory 77. The original version of this remix - Mark B & Dialect...
Peedi Crakk – Crakk Files Vol. 4 (Mixtape)
This past Friday, a free offering hit the streets for those of y’all that have been fiend out for new...
Nagradna igra: Besplatni upadi za Kazich u Pepermintu!
Dijelimo 10 puta po 2 upada za sutrašnji Kazich u klubu Pepermint, koji će ujedno biti i live promocija novog...
Traumatologija: Kandžija
Nakon Renmana, još jedan hrvatski reper je dospio u HRTovu emisiju Traumatologija. Emisiju pogledajte ovdje, a fotke sa snimanja na...