DJ M-Rock – The Best of Jay-Z (Mixtape)
Hit continue reading to check the tracklist & download the mix. Via KN. (more…)
Hit continue reading to check the tracklist & download the mix. Via KN. (more…)
On the heels of the "You Don't Have To Be A Star" music video Gods'illa returns with the remix featuring...
Novi spot Ede Maajke za pjesmu Panika s njegova nadolazećeg albuma Štrajk Mozga. Spot je upravo premijerno prikazan na MTV-u.
S obzirom na nadolazeće božićne blagdane, bilo je logično da Kandžija u svom stilu snimi pjesmu o - Uskrsu. Pjesma...
Intervju s Edom za RTL-ovu emisiju Exkluziv Vikend. Vezano: Intervju: Edo Maajka
Priki, Frenkie, Lobossi, Rima D, Mayer, Mučenička Grupa, Rupa Crew, SterMa, Fatalista, Sheik Ba i ostala najpoznatija imena sa BH...
Who was your first favorite rapper? We asked Big Daddy Kane, DJ Jazzy Jeff, Kendrick Lamar, Murs, Statik Selektah, Freddie...
No confirmation on when this was recorded, but it sounds a bit dated. Via FSD.
Official visuals for Asher Roth's song Common Knowledge, from his new mixtape Pabst & Jazz.
In 1986 MC Keithy E (now known as Guru) completed a demo tape that featured the early members of GangStarr,...
Here's M.E.D.'s "Roll Out" with a new verse from J-Ro, produced by Madlib and taken from his latest album Classic....
New mix by DJ JS-1, dedicated to his hometown. Hit continue reading to check the full tracklist, download link &...
RareInk has unveiled the first pieces in a series of original artwork created by renowned fine artists and produced in...
Legendarni program Tom Tom Club ponovno se nakon više od godinu i pol održava u Zagrebu i to u originalnom...