DJ Premier Names His Top 5 Producers
Via VladTV.
Via VladTV.
Tekst i vokal: Denis Kovačević (Gera) Produkcija i aranžman: Filip Tkalčić (Dust) Mix i mastering : Andrej Lončarić (Magistar Andrei)
Pharoahe Monch & Jean Grae gettin' the crowd up at Roc Raida's tribute in Paris.
The adventures of the one and only Redman.
DJ Eclipse: This past Sunday we had Agony and DJ's Bazarro & Skinny from Dysfunkshunal Familee along with producer extraordinaire...
Karte su od jučer u pretprodaji u Aquarius Clubu, Aquarius CD Shopu (Varšavska, Zagreb) te od sutra u sustavu Eventima...
Dijelimo 3 primjerka novog Stokinog albuma Pogodi Ko Se Beko. Nagradno pitanje glasi: Kako se zovu prva dva singla s...
This dude is an animal on the MPC. Hit continue reading to watch Rhode Island’s Winter Wars MPC Face-off with...
Dva Bad Copy related posta u jednom danu. Ovog puta posrijedi je Timbe koji je izbacio novi kompilacijski album Lost...
Dam-Funk had a private show at Under 100 on August 6th 2010. He kept the funk alive, to say the...
THE EXPERIENCE ALBUM is now available, as of February 14, 2011, through a worldwide online distribution and will be in...
Novi leak s Wikluhovog neobjavljenog albuma Hip Hop Nije Umro Samo Miriše Tako. Download: Wikluh Sky - Znaš Ti Ko...
Touré talks Grammys with Naughty By Nature on Fuse TV, winners of the very first Best Rap Album Grammy in...
Here’s a little treat from the 1992 ‘Crossover’ 12″, ‘Brothers From Brentwood L.I.’ which didn’t appear on any albums and...
Download: Grand Daddy I.U. - Swat Freestyle