Wiz Khalifa – Rolling Papers (Album Cover & Tracklisting)
Wiz Khalifa's first major-label album Rolling Papers hits iTunes in three weeks. Continue reading to check out LP's official track...
Wiz Khalifa's first major-label album Rolling Papers hits iTunes in three weeks. Continue reading to check out LP's official track...
Ove srijede u Ljubljani u klubu Cvetličarna možete pogledati nastup grupe M.O.P. i Mriga & Gheta, koji će predstaviti svoj...
Raekwon starts his new official website raekwonchronicles.com and brings us exclusive footage of himself in the studio with Sean C...
Justice from 2dopeboyz ripped and uploaded the entire video footage of Pete Rock vs. DJ Premier set in Japan for...
B Real of Cypress Hill sits down with Amaru Don TV to discuss his deepest and most personal lyrics he...
Karte u su pretprodaji po 90 kn, a mogu se kupiti u Aquarius Clubu, Aquarius CD Shopu (Varšavska, Zagreb) te...
Pogledaj zašto i na koji način se Radio 101 zahvalio nakon 17 godina Phat Phillieu i emisiji Blackout.
Prodigy is coming back home tomorrow and in spirit of his release director Jordan Tower drops a video for 'Genesis',...
Balkanska turneja grupe M.O.P. starta danas! Prvi koncert odraditi će večeras u Sarajevu u Cinemasu (ex Sloga). Warm-up DJ set...
Jersey Shore guido Cousin Tommy (of "NFL Rhyme Reel" fame) does a parody remake of Jasmine Sullivan's "Bust your Windows",...
Full 3-hour video footage of The Halftime Radio Show's 13th Anniversary special. The guest list on the show was pretty...
Nakon što je Venom odnio pobjedu protiv Bronsona, ovog petka sučelili su se Ludvig i Bizzo. Oba seta možete poslušati...
Video footage of M.O.P.'s last month show in Batofar, Paris. Hit continue reading for more videos. M.O.P. Balkan Tour starts...
In support & promo of DJ Evil Dee show being held & hosted by The Heist (myself, DJ Y-Not &...
Catch other chapters, as well as older video of Rhymefest's tour through Jeff's house, after jump. (more…)